The word of the Lord that came to Hosea son of Beeri during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and during the reign of Jeroboam son of Jehoash king of Israel Hosea 1:1 (NIV)

Ever wonder if a teenager’s chief role in society is to be completely mortified by everything their parents do?  Dad’s go-to bad joke, Mom’s station wagon, Dad’s sense of style, Mom and Dad’s family outing plans, and what about when Mom and Dad are smooching?  The teen’s response:  “I think I’m going to be sick!  I don’t know them!  Everyone, I’m not related to those two in any way!”  Emancipation becomes a daily event (until money is needed).

This “I don’t know them” phenomenon is also found in today’s verse.  Hosea begins his prophesy by giving a list of 4 kings from Judah.  Here’s the problem:  Hosea isn’t from Judah nor is he prophesying to the people of Judah.  It’s like me writing a letter to you:  “The Word of the Lord came to Israel, son of Ken and Elida Richert during the reign of Felipe Calderon, President of the United Mexican States and Stephen Harper the Prime Minister of Canada…by the way, Obama’s President of America.”  What beef does Hosea have with the Israeli monarchy?  It was disobedience and godlessness.  Judah on the other hand was lead by a godlier bunch.  Hosea didn’t want to have any association with Israel’s troublemaking kings.

What lesson is there for us?  We must guard who we associate ourselves with.  We don’t talk about this much, but we should because God’s Word isn’t silent on the subject.  Paul warns many times that there are people we should “have nothing to do with.”  “What fellowship does light have with darkness?”  Great question.  “Do not be unequally yoked with an unbeliever.”  We are to stay away from people who cause dissention, people who claim to believe yet are living in sin and refuse to repent, false teachers and the list goes on.

Who you hang out with affects who you are.  The good fan the flame of God-passion and the bad cool it down.

How does good company fan the flame of your “God-passion”?
How does bad company cool it down?
How do you guard yourself from bad company yet touch this world with the love of Jesus?
