Reliance: 2013 Day 3

Deuteronomy 9:7-29

My insight...

Moses went up the mountain to fast and pray for God's people.

On tablets of stone God wrote with His finger a covenant.

Those same people that Moses was seeking God and fasting for, were below that mountain dancing around a big golden cow.

So when Moses sees all of this, he throws down the very thing God had given him during his fast.

Some of us are fasting for something in particular.  We're seeking God on our own mountain and He's giving  us insight and writing His Words with His Finger on our heart.  But what do you do when those you're fasting for or that thing your fasting about decides to build and dance around a golden cow?

This goes out to all who are discouraged on day 3.  You've prayed and nothing's happened yet.  For some, things have seem to get worse (Nothing worse than spending time in God's presence on behalf of your family only to walk down stairs to find them dancing around a golden cow in the living room).  Whatever you do, don't throw down what God had written in your life.  Hold firm!  Remember there's a difference between facts and truth.  Facts are what you see but truth is what God sees.  He's not done yet.  Choose to see things from His perspective.

Final thing...

Moses takes the position of an intercessor on behalf of God's people.  Intercession is the self-sacrificial work of pouring one's self out for others in prayer.
