Consider for a moment:  What would you say is the best Superhero name?  Superman? The Hulk?  Iron Man?  The Flash?  I was thinking about this recently and came up with a list of Superhero reject names you’d never see featured in a comic book or in a big budget, summer blockbuster movie:

1.     LOVE-MAN



4.     GOOD KNIGHT (my personal favorite)



Picture it:  You take a wrong turn into a dark, smoky alley only to come face to face with a group of thugs with chains and metal pipes.  They surround you demanding your wallet and valuables.  You do what anyone in your position would do:  “HEEEEEEELP!”  Then from out of the shadows comes a rescuer.  “Who are you?” one of the thugs asks.  In that low, raspy voice he says: “I’m the HUGGER!”  Now, how many would feel a sense of relief?  No one, am I right?  You want a hero that’s known for power, strength, courage, or speed.   “LOVE” “COMPASSION” “CARE” aren’t the go-to identities of our heroes.  But think about it, is there a more powerful attribute in a hero?

Perhaps you need some proof:  You’re at a family function and hear that one of the kids got hurt and needs help.  You might get up, depends how comfortable you are.  Most likely you’d wait a sec to see if anyone else has got it:  “Oh, you got it?  Cool!  I was about to get up, almost.  You beat me to it.  I’ll just stay here and keep this chair warm.”  But doesn’t that change when you find out its one of your own kids (at least hopefully it does)?  You jump into action.  Why?  Because of love.  There is no greater attribute for a hero than LOVE.

We have a GREAT RESCUER who not only loves us but who IS LOVE (1 John 4:8).


16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

God loves a broken, godless, rebellious world.  That tells me there’s nothing you can do to deserve His love.  His love isn’t based on your performance.  He’s not in love with a future version of you.  God loves you now!


1 Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, Romans 8:1

If you’re in Christ you are forgiven for everything!  We have this picture of God that He’s constantly bringing up our past and throwing it in our face.  The enemy does that.  Not God.  God correct not condemns.  So be free!  You are not who the sins of your past say you are.  As the saying goes:  "If you don't let your past die it won’t let you live."


38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

As Whitney Houston sang:  And Eyeeeeeeyeeeee will always love you! That’s exactly what God’s singing over you.  He loves you always.  He loves you forever.  He loves you no matter what.  Maybe you walked away...God still loves you!  Maybe you blew it....God still loves you!  Maybe you’re afraid He's mad at you...God still loves you!

Perhaps you have taken a wrong turn and find yourself down one of those dark alleys of life.  Maybe you feel surrounded by wants to still from you, kill and destroy.  Cry out to the only ONE who can RESCUE you, the God who LOVES YOU!
