I, Paul, am writing this with my own hand. I will pay it back—not to mention that you owe me your very self. Philemon 1:19 (NIV)
Have you heard this one: “Can you spot me $20? I promise next week I get paid. Next week…I got you!” And you wonder what does “I got you” even mean. And against your better judgment you’re reaching for your wallet. Your mind is yelling, “NO! Don’t do it!” But your heart disagrees, “Come on. He said he’ll pay next week. Besides, look how sad his eyes are. Your heart can be a real sell out sometimes. Why? That $20 is never seen again. You would have gotten the same result burning it, flushing it, or giving it to the dog to spend. Where was your friend during pay day week? Who knows? You would have been luckier spotting a unicorn or a leprechaun than your friend. What is it about money that causes decent people to be so untrustworthy? What is it about it that causes well meaning people to be…future liars? “Mom, if you buy this for me now, you will never have to buy me anything ever again!” HA! “I’m a Nigerian Prince and I need to move some money…here’s how you can help me and make some money also...” HA!
I’ve heard it say that the eyes are the window to the soul. I think a clearer window is money. How we handle money speaks volumes about who we are.
Paul says, “I will pay it back.” Do you think Philemon could take his word for it? Or was it just like one of those, “We should get together sometime” things? You say it to be nice but you don’t mean it and you hope they really don’t take you up on it.
We live in days when a man’s word means nothing. May your yes be yes and your no be no has turned to you yes meaning maybe and your no meaning “I will not confirm nor deny.”
Paul says, “If Onesimus owes you anything, charge it to me. These are my words I’m writing with my own hand. I will pay it back. You can take my word for it.” And I believe Philemon could. Can people take your word for your promise of payment? What does money say about your heart?
Questions to consider:
Do you believe that money is a great window to the soul? Why or why not?
Why is it easy to mishandle money?
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