…He will bring me out into the light; I will see his righteousness. Micah 7:9 (NIV)
I was tired. But not tired enough to go to sleep. So there I sat with remote in hand hoping something would peak my interest and pass the time channel surfing. That’s when I saw it. You’ve must have seen it too. For some the view inspires but for most of us it’s simply discouraging. You know what I’m talking about--the exercise info-mercial. And the view is the ripped abs. You look at those abs then look at yours and realize you’re flawed. Was Mom lying when she told you you were perfect? Just maybe. What’s worse is coming across a commercial like that when you’re polishing off a carton of ice cream or a bag of Doritos.
Micah says: “I will see His righteousness.” That view will always make you face the fact that you’re flawed. You can’t see the perfection of God and not respond as Isaiah did when He saw God: “Woe is me! I am a man of unclean lips!”
But here are some encouraging words: I’ve heard it said that you and I have abs. Those muscles are there. The abs you see that are ripped in the info-mercial, you have them! They’re just hidden, covered by layers of…other stuff (ice cream and Doritos). The point is, the potential is there. It just takes some work to uncover them.
The same is true in your spiritual life. With Jesus in you, you have the potential to live right. His righteousness can be your righteousness. You can change your ways and live better. You can make better decisions. You can break those evil habits and live out the righteous ones. It’s just going to take a little work: Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus.
Questions to consider:
What will viewing God’s righteousness always cause you to notice in yourself?
What in you needs to be denied so you can look a bit more like Jesus?
How will you do it?
I was tired. But not tired enough to go to sleep. So there I sat with remote in hand hoping something would peak my interest and pass the time channel surfing. That’s when I saw it. You’ve must have seen it too. For some the view inspires but for most of us it’s simply discouraging. You know what I’m talking about--the exercise info-mercial. And the view is the ripped abs. You look at those abs then look at yours and realize you’re flawed. Was Mom lying when she told you you were perfect? Just maybe. What’s worse is coming across a commercial like that when you’re polishing off a carton of ice cream or a bag of Doritos.
Micah says: “I will see His righteousness.” That view will always make you face the fact that you’re flawed. You can’t see the perfection of God and not respond as Isaiah did when He saw God: “Woe is me! I am a man of unclean lips!”
But here are some encouraging words: I’ve heard it said that you and I have abs. Those muscles are there. The abs you see that are ripped in the info-mercial, you have them! They’re just hidden, covered by layers of…other stuff (ice cream and Doritos). The point is, the potential is there. It just takes some work to uncover them.
The same is true in your spiritual life. With Jesus in you, you have the potential to live right. His righteousness can be your righteousness. You can change your ways and live better. You can make better decisions. You can break those evil habits and live out the righteous ones. It’s just going to take a little work: Deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus.
Questions to consider:
What will viewing God’s righteousness always cause you to notice in yourself?
What in you needs to be denied so you can look a bit more like Jesus?
How will you do it?
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