8 After she had weaned Lo-Ruhamah, Gomer had another son. Hosea 1:8 (NIV)
Beyond the mountains and across the hills
Stood the land of nothing, naught, Nil
For famine had left the land empty and bare
And those that had little refused to share
The plight of the hungry caught an eye from afar
Not from a king, a leader, nor czar
Our mystery Helper, we’ll call Him the Source
Came riding into Nil on the back of a horse
Nil’s mayor, city council, and all of its leaders
Gathered the people of Nil like the ones who cut cedars
The spouses, dog breeders, and all the speed readers
The guy who shines the shoes, the bum, and bird feeders
When all the people gathered in the pavilion
The Source began to speak of his heart for the Nilians
With encouraging words he said the famine is done
A season of plenty, abundance, enough had begun
The crowd broke into a cheer for all they would get
But the Source gave them this warning: “Please don’t forget…
I am the One who supplies all you need
Books for the readers and for bird feeders I give seeds
Drink for the thirsty the hungry get food
Like tacos and pizza and tomatoes that are stewed
For all that I give I must be thanked
For all that I do you must give me praise.”
With gratitude the Nilians agreed to the terms
But what’s known of our nature was again reaffirmed
Their start was strong but then a change of course
For generations later they forgot the Source
No praise, no gratitude, not a thank you note
The people of Nil in pride began to gloat:
“We are the ones, we are our source
Everyone knows Nilians greatness, of course.”
The Source was frustrated and what He did next
May seem mean, or harsh, or even complex
The facet of plenty was quickly turned off
Plenty ended with a sputter famine began with a cough
The Nilians stood at the facet of plenty in fear
And I hope that the lesson is abundantly clear
Get the word out; shout until you are coarse:
Lo-Ruhamah was weaned, no longer to receive milk from mom. This is (another of a list of) prophetic object lesson. Israel was being cut off from God’s blessing because of her wickedness. It serves as a reminder: we can’t bless ourselves. If we are blessed it’s because God is at work. When you refuse to acknowledge that, He may cut of the source so you can be reminded of that fact.
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