After 16 years of marriage, my wife, Sarah and I have found a rhythm of peace and calm in our home. Rarely an argument or a disagreement. We have only one point of contention: Cell phones! More in particular, keeping a cell phone charged. You see, I’m from the school of thought that anything below an 85% charge is time for an immediate emergency plug in. She has a more, “take it to the edge of the charge life,” way about her. I’m more deliberate. She’s more free spirited with her charging habits. I’m more of a charging conservative. She’s more of a charging rebel. I’m keeping it safe. She’s living reckless at 26% charge. So who’s always plugging in her phone? That’s right, folks, that’d be me!
Why do I make a big deal about it? My concern is an emergency situation arising and a dead phone. Last thing I want is Sarah stranded somewhere with an uncharged phone.
Let me ask you: How you living? Are you charged? Or are you living on empty? There’s nothing worse than being in an emergency setting and finding out you’re out of juice. That has a way of making a bad situation worst. And no, I’m not talking about your phone. I’m talking about your connection with God. Some of us live disconnected lives and frantically try to connect when trouble hits. Can I be honest and say: then might be too late. Some of us crumble over the lightest of drama because we’ve neglected a full charge. Some of us fold at the slightest temptation because we've neglected a full charge. Some of us can't move forward because we've neglected a full charge. You need a daily charge. You need to come every day and draw near to God. When I neglect that time I’m weakening the spirit man. A weak spirit man will stand no chance against the flesh, the world, or the enemy.
My favorite verse is John 15:5: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
Remain! It’s all about staying connected to Him, life. Our connection brings fruit. Our disconnection brings NOTHING. Who wants NOTHING? Who likes NOTHING? Growing up no one ever wanted to go to the house of the kid with NOTHING to do. What girl wants to date a guy with NOTHING? No job, no money, no life! Who wants to look into their wallet and find NOTHING? Who shops at the store that’s got NOTHING to sell? Anything is better than NOTHING. Yet NOTHING is what we have when we’re disconnected from God. I’m concerned that we’ve grown accustom to living with NOTHING. We’re fruitless and think this is all the Christian life has to offer.
The Prayer that Jesus taught His disciples had this line: “Give us this day our daily bread.” Matthew 6:11
Why daily? Why not weekly? Why not for the month? Why not Costco level bread? He wants you to come back tomorrow. When I meet with Jesus today, He’ll give me specifically what I need today. I come back tomorrow for what I need tomorrow.
I want to challenge you: Get connected daily to God. Stay charged. No matter what comes against you, you’ll be able to handle it!
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