Long before the iPad, us kids from the 80’s kept our things organized in a Trapper Keeper.  Before the Trapper Keeper it was a dangerous world for homework:  1.  Forget the ALPO, dogs had a craving for the taste of homework.  2.  Mom’s couldn’t help themselves but toss homework in the trash.   So back in the 70’s the brilliant minds at Mead came up with a scientific breakthrough, the Trapper, a side pocket folder.  This would “trap” your important homework papers so you wouldn’t lose them.  But the Trapper was just half of Mead’s genius.  They also created the Keeper:  a binder to holder all your trappers in.  This was greater than any average binder.  This binder had no metal rings!  Your fingers remember the violent SNAP from the closing of those metal rings, right?  The great folks of Mead created this slide plastic ring technology.  Fingers could now rest easy at night!  Homework saved!  That F for failure to turn in homework can now be at least a D-!!!

In life, we have a tendency of misplacing or dropping important things.  We lead hectic lives and what ends up happening is the most important things sometimes get pushed out.  So, how do we “trap” or “keep” the most important things from falling away?  Or even more important, how do we KEEP the most important PERSON, GOD in HIS rightful place in our lives?  How do we make sure HE isn’t pushed out?

The Children of Israel had watered down their relationship with God with worship of the false god, Baal.  God raises up the prophet Elijah to call them out:

Elijah went before the people and said, "How long will you waver between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow him; but if Baal is God, follow him." But the people said nothing. 1 Kings 18:21 (NIV)

As if Elijah had this massive eraser, with one verse he’s erasing the middle ground.  He’s questioning the Children of Israel about their desire to stand in a middle of road position which allowed them to go from one opinion to the other with ease.  I hear people attempting to do the same today: “I want God to keep me out of hell and into heaven and I still want to do whatever I want.”  “God, hear my prayers and bless me but I don’t want to obey your commands.”  “God, I want all your good things but I don’t want to stop my bad things.”

Would Elijah’s eraser need to be used in your life?  Would he have to say to you: “Quit wavering…pick a side.”

I’ve heard it said: “God’s not looking for a girlfriend but a bride.”  You remember what the dating days were all about?  High benefits, low commitment.  God is seeking people that are ALL IN!  An ALL IN Christian doesn’t struggle with keeping Jesus in the center of it all!

So, Elijah organizes a showdown.  The false god, Baal versus the true God of heaven.  Each was given the opportunity to send fire down from heaven, proving once and for all who reigns.  Baal, the sun god was a no show.  So, Elijah proceeded to prepare things for God to reveal His glory:   

Then Elijah said to all the people, "Come here to me." They came to him, and he repaired the altar of the LORD, which was in ruins.1 Kings 18:30 (NIV)

Altars symbolize prayer, dying to self, and surrendering to the will of God.  The altar was in disrepair, in ruins.  Why?  It had been forgotten. Just like today:  Family altars have been broken down, churches are no longer known as a House of Prayer, private altars vacant.  It’s impossible to be a person of prayer and drop God.  Prayer is all about keeping God in His rightful place.


At the time of sacrifice, the prophet Elijah stepped forward and prayed: "O Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, let it be known today that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant and have done all these things at your command. 1 Kings 18:36 (NIV)

I love how Elijah describes God here: “God of Abraham, Isaac, and ISRAEL!”  What’s the significance?  Normally, throughout scripture God’s described as the “God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!”  What’s with the change?  Being that there’s no word in the Bible that’s there by accident, I believe the use of the name “Israel” is powerful reminder. 

People in the Bible were often given names that would be prophetic descriptions of their life:  Moses means to “draw out,” because he was drawn out of the Nile.  Prophetically it foreshadowed him leading Israel out of Egypt. 

The name “Israel” means “prince with God.”  Elijah is reminding the people that they have a prophetic destiny.  They’re not to live as idol worshippers!  They are a chosen people to be "princes" with God.  Elijah’s reminding them about something that all this idol worship had tried to bury and destroy, that they were a people of destiny, a people of purpose, a people with a calling.

Don’t forget who you are!  You equally are a person of PURPOSE, PROMISE, and PRIVILEGE!
